

Week notes 3: Ramesh's wedding

It is another Monday and here are the week notes from the past week

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Week notes 2: Cult fitness

I skipped a week. But here are the week notes from last week.

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Week notes 1: WWDC

Okay, I am thinking of making a habit of writing week notes whenever I can.

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A long gap

It's been a while since I paid attention to this page. I still intend to stick with it. First order of things will be to get a navigation menu and RSS feed up so that I can atleast start journaling. Trying to avoid overthinking this.

I love Netlify

This page was previously hosted using Github pages. After I added Eleventy, I figured I wanted to serve the page from a different folder, which will contain the static build of the site. This meant I had to either change the name of the build folder in eleventy or do a hack involving Git submodules.

Figured I will give Netlify a try, because everyone has been raving about it. I thought I was just noodling around with the settings but before I knew it, the site was running on Netlify with automatic builds and a HTTPS certificate. And all this for no cost (this bothers me a little). No wonder they are recommended by so many people. It is an example of making the user look Badass. Well done.

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